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MSc APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY - Presentation of Students' Seminars

Presentation of Students' Seminars

Dear all,

In the attached files you can find the abstracts of the seminars that will be presented on January, 28, by students supervised by Prof. N.

Karamanos of Joint post-graduate programme in Applied Biochemistry.

On behalf of Prof. Karamanos


Demitrios H. Vynios

Professor of Connective Tissue Biochemistry Biochemistry, Biochemical Analysis & Matrix Pathobiochemistry Research Group Department of Chemistry University of Patras,

26504 Patras, Greece

Tel.: GR+2610997914

pdf 64 Seminar Gourdoupi

pdf 64 Seminar Koletsis

pdf 64 Seminar Kremmydas

pdf 64Seminar Mangani

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